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Foolad Baft Wiring Industries is constantly dedicated to being the leader in truss girder and steel wire mesh production in Iran.To achieve this, being up to date with technology and new innovations in the building sector has always been the primary goal for the company.

Foolad Baft will also continue to have an active and effective role in the market by ensuring that the following goals are met as well: Foolad Baft will also continue to have and active and effective role in the market providing growth opportunities in terms of education and know-how with the vision to have a contribution for a positive task force for a bright future in the building industry.

Gallery of the company's images including Head quarters, Production Lines, Quality Control Department and Related images.
In this section you can calculate the girder weight & the supporting rebar
Foolad Baft Wiring Industries is constantly dedicated to being the leader in truss girder and steel wire mesh production in Iran.
You can download the complete FooladBaft Compay's Brochure in PDF format containing products general and technical information.
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Trustworthy Wire Mesh Manufacturer 6/1/2010
Anping Yihang Gabion & Fence Engineering Co., Ltd. (formerly called anping yihang wire mesh products factory) was established in 1990 and specialises in the construction of gabions, reno mattresses and reinforced earth and crib walls
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